Saturday, May 21, 2011

Back in the Saddle Again !

Finished Getting Mistress put back together enough to ride today! It's been waaaay too long. Took her down to Bikers Bay in Bedford to get her Texas State Inspection back up to date, it was several months out. Inspection complete I took her for a real short jaunt on the freeway to make sure she was running alright. Got back and still had some minor adjustments to take care of.

I had to adjust the clutch lever back to its correct position and angle. Then tightened up and set the left rear-view mirror. Lastly, I tightened all the saddle bag bolts because one was real loose. Then I gave her a bath.

Now all is ready to start commuting to work again. Next I need to replace the damaged leather bags with some hard bags.....

Ride on,

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