Competition Accessories is having a Tell us About Your Favorite Ride Contest. Not only can you post your own story about your favorite ride, you can read all about other bikers rides.
"We love riding just as much as you do, would love to hear about those great motorcycling memories! It doesn’t matter if it was an epic ‘round the world adventure, or just an awesome daytrip. Send us a write-up about your most memorable ride (bonus point for pictures and videos!), and you will eligible to win a $25, $15, or $10 gift card! Please submit your entries to this link, The stores can be short or as long as you want. Submission will be featured on our Facebook page and on our blog, and we’ll be voting on our favorite here in the office. The contest runs from Tuesday, August 9, 2011 until Noon (EST) on Friday, August 19, 2011. Winters will be announced on Friday August 19, 2011 around 3pm (EST) via Facebook, Blog and Email."
Check it out here:
Ride on,